Behavior Management Courses
Behavior Management Courses
  September 09, 2024 08:00 am  - September 23, 2024 01:00 pm

Behavior Management Courses

A NEW Endeavor for the ABMA- we're going online to provide you with more learning opportunities!

There are two options to participate in this online learning opportunity!  
1)You can take any course individually, which has unlimited capacity and the ability to watch at two (2) different dates/times.  The classes will be live and interactive!
2)You can also register to take all four (4) courses as a cohort, which has a limited capacity (20 people) and will have a live Q&A after each class.  There will be a waiting list for the cohort option- email if you cannot register for the cohort and would like to be placed on the waiting list.   

CEU's will be available for these courses.  Available credits will be posted soon.
**To receive the member rate you MUST login to your ABMA account!

Introduction to Enrichment 
– Jessica Sheftel and Louisa Redosevich, SDZWA

Members $25; Non-members $75  
Registration deadline is 5 June 2024.  
After you register, you can choose which course you'd like to watch: 
Option 1: June 10th, 2024 – Class starts at 8 AM PST.  Cohort only- Q&A at 10 AM PST.

Option 2: June 24th, 2024 - Class starts at 4 PM PST.  Cohort only- Q&A at 6 PM PST.

Introduction to Training – Nicki Boyd and Cari Inserra, SDZWA
Members $25; Non-members $75  
Registration deadline is 3 July 2024.  
After you register, you can choose which course you'd like to watch: 

Option 1: July 8th, 2024 – Class starts at 8 AM PST.  Cohort only- Q&A at 10 AM PST.

Option 2: July 22nd, 2024 - Class starts at 4 PM PST.  Cohort only- Q&A at 6 PM PST.

Communication and Working in Teams – Chris Jenkins, Natural Encounters, Inc
Members $25; Non-members $75  
Registration deadline is 7 August 2024.  
After you register, you can choose which course you'd like to watch:

Option 1: August 12th, 2024 – Class starts at 8 AM PST.  Cohort only- Q&A at 10 AM PST.

Option 2: August 26th, 2024 - Class starts at 4 PM PST.  Cohort only- Q&A at 6 PM PST.

Introduction to Welfare – Elly Neumann, Jerusalem Zoo
Members $25; Non-members $75  
Registration deadline is 4 September 2024.  
After you register, you can choose which course you'd like to watch:

Option 1: September 9th, 2024 – Class starts at 8 AM PST.  Cohort only- Q&A at 10 AM PST.

Option 2: September 23rd, 2024 - Class starts at 8 PM PST. Cohort only- Q&A at 10 PM PST.

If you have any questions about the Behavior Management Courses- email 


Manager Detail

Name Kelly Salamone

This entry was posted on May 16, 2024.