The first sentence in the meeting minutes from the first meeting of the ABMA, dated April 13-15, 1999, reads, "The meetings were generously hosted by Lee Nesler and the Pittsburgh Zoo." Lee had a pivotal role in the creation of our organization. She recognized the importance of what we wanted to do, namely, as the minutes describe, "...spend the next two days establishing the framework for the creation of an international organization that focused on the training of all animals."
Lee gave us a place to do this important work and, perhaps even more importantly, she set the tone for the meetings through her open, caring, and professional demeanor. When you spoke to Lee, you knew you were in a safe environment because she cared about you. Lee ensured that our meetings allowed the free exchange of ideas. She also made sure we didn't take ourselves too seriously, interjecting a light-hearted comment if the discussion got a little heated.
It is impossible to determine the number of animals whose lives were made better by Lee. The roles she played in the many organizations in which she worked gave her the opportunity to help lots of people to help lots of animals. I feel so lucky to have known Lee and to have been inspired by her dedication and compassion for animals. The ABMA is lucky to have had her as a founder.
We would also like to recognize Leaders in the Field that have been involved with the ABMA.
Dr. Hal Markowitz
Dr. Sophia Yin
Hilda Trez